Best Dried fruit Nuts Names list Benefits for health After Brush - Healthsulin



Wednesday 21 July 2021

Best Dried fruit Nuts Names list Benefits for health After Brush

Best Dried fruit and Nuts Names list with Benefits for health

Dried fruits and nuts names list 10 dry fruits and nuts benefits - Is it good for health eating dry fruit LADDU after brush? Various problems due to not brushing well Best dry fruits for health.

List of Best Dried fruit and Nuts Names list with Benefits for health:

1. Is it good for health eating dry fruit LADDU after brush?
2. Various problems due to not brushing well
3. 10 Dry Fruits Benefits Dried fruit names

1. Is it good for health eating dry fruit LADDU after brush?

Dried fruit - Is it good for health eating DRY FRUIT after brush?
The dried fruit is sticky without juice which gets stuck in the teeth. As a result, the food particles stick to the teeth for a long time. Which produces harmful bacteria and increases the chances of damage to dental health. In other words, different types of diseases can occur in the teeth. Such as tooth enamel decay, swollen and painful gums, cavities in the teeth, cavities in the gums, broken teeth, discoloration of the teeth. So it is very important to rinse your teeth with water after eating this dried fruit. As a result, bacteria cannot accumulate in the teeth, the teeth stay away from various diseases, there is no possibility of any damage to the health of the teeth. Therefore, dried fruits can be eaten after brushing, but teeth should also be rinsed with water after eating Or better to re-brush.

Sweets - Is it good for health eating SWEETS after brush?
Sweet foods like Cake, Chocolate, Sweet Biscuits, Laddu, etc have high amount of sweets. As a result, these foods are more harmful, these foods increase the amount of calories in the body and make it fat. Due to that, various diseases can occur in the body. In addition, if you do not rinse your teeth after eating, various dental diseases can occur. It is advisable not to eat these sweet foods every day, Avoiding these sweet foods is good for your health. So it is very important to remove sweets from the daily food list, It is a good step for health.

On the other hand, dried fruits are very useful and effective for health. Among these dried fruits apricots, prunes, figs, raisins, peaches, dates, etc help in various ways to keep the body healthy. After all, no matter what you eat - dried fruits and sweets, you should rinse your teeth well after eating. But it is better to avoid sweets as much as possible.

Remember that after waking up in the morning, you must brush before eating anything Or the inside of the mouth and teeth should be washed well. Otherwise, the harmful substances that have accumulated in the mouth throughout the night can enter the stomach and cause various problems in the body.

2. Various problems due to not brushing well

Problems that teeth do not wash well after eating:

1. There may be a problem of corrosion of tooth enamel.
2. Harmful bacteria are formed in the teeth.
3. The gums of the teeth may swell.
4. Increases the chances of developing a tendency to toothache.
5. There is pain in the gums and blood may flow from the gums.
6. Increases the chances of tooth decay.
7. There may be holes in the gums of the teeth.
8. Teeth can break down slowly and give the impression of aging.
9. Increases the chances of bad breath coming out of the mouth.
10. The color of the teeth may change.

3. 10 Dry Fruits Benefits Dried fruit names

1. Dates - Benefits of dry fruits:

Containing vitamins, fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and zinc - dates help control cholesterol and fat, build muscle, improve eyesight, increase heart function, strengthen bones, and relieve constipation.

2. Apricot - Benefits of dry fruits:

Rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Niacin, Potassium, Copper, Manganese, Magnesium, Phosphorus - This apricot regulates blood sugar levels, Protects the liver, fills the nutritional deficiencies of the pregnant mother and baby, helps to prevent anemia or Anemia. 

3. Pitch - Benefits of dry fruits:

Containing plenty of vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants, anti-cholesterol ingredients Peach helps to strengthen teeth, keep bladder clean, eliminate kidney and skin problems, reduce cholesterol.

4. Raisins - Benefits of dry fruits

Raisins which are rich in fiber, calcium, potassium and iron help in digestion, strengthen teeth, helps in digestion, helps in eliminating anemia, strengthen bones, reduce blood pressure and relieve constipation.

5. Almonds - Benefits of dry fruits

Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium - Almonds strengthen bones, eliminate anemia, fills the mineral deficiency in the body, boost immunity, helps to burn excess body fat.

6. Pistachios - Benefits of dry fruits

Containing fiber, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese, vitamin B6 - Pistachios strengthen bones, strengthen muscles, relieve dry skin problems, increase hemoglobin levels in the blood and help increase the body's resistance to disease.

7. Walnuts - Benefits of dry fruits

Having folate, melatonin, vitamin E, omega three fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals - Walnuts relieve mental fatigue, increase skin radiance, control weight, keep the heart healthy, eliminate insomnia, reduce the risk of diabetes and improve brain health.

8. prunes - Benefits of dry fruits

Being rich in Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, Protein, Minerals, Iron, Dietary Fiber - Prunes eliminates the problem of dry skin, fills the mineral deficiency in the body, prevents hair from turning white, helps in digesting problems and nourishes hair.

9. Peanuts - Benefits of dry fruits

Peanuts are rich in B3, Vitamins, Anti-oxidants, Protein, Sodium, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Fiber > It helps in strengthening bones, lowering blood pressure, controlling blood sugar, lowering cholesterol in the body and helps to increase immunity.

10. Dried figs - Benefits of dry fruits

Contains vitamins, iron, potassium, magnesium, minerals, zinc, copper, phosphorus, antioxidants - It helps control blood pressure, reduces bad cholesterol levels, relieves constipation, solves heart disease and skin problems, helps prevent hair loss. , Helps the body produce energy, make hormones, increase immunity.

10 Dry Fruits with Benefits of dry fruits Dried fruit names

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